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Tan pronto como tengamos el total general de su pedido, le enviaremos un enlace rápido por mensaje de texto/correo electrónico para completar su compra.
After we get the total cost of all of the items, we'll text you with a link to pay for the food/goods, or you can use UniHop Cash Click here to learn more about UniHop Cash
That's up to you! Once we have everything ready for delivery, we'll text you a super quick link to fill out, letting us know EXACTLY when and where you'd like your delivery.
Our service fee includes delivery from 1 store. We will always try to get all of the items you want from the fewest number of stores as possible. In the event that multiple stores are required, we will reachout out to you to let you know, and add a service fee for each additional store.
We may do delivery from multiple stores free of charge in some situations.
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