Let UniHop make delivery to your clients easy
What is Concierge?
UniHop Concierge allows you to give a delivery experience to your clients that is simple and tailored to their every need. Sourcing from a handful of local vendors and retailers, UniHop will find what your looking for, and work with you to show your client you go the extra hop! Concierge functions as a fractional-concierge, being of service for everything from helping a company send a client gift to providing a hotel with a shopping+delivery service for its guests.
You run your business, while we deliver smiles to your clients
Your clients love what you provide, our customers love how we deliver. UniHop can take care of setting up delivery times with your customers, monitoring reception of your gift(s), handles any issues with product availability, and makes sure every detail of your order is delivered.
We find local vendors & hard-to-find items that your clients want
We're able to deliver from everywhere from a global franchise to a mom-and-pop small-business. Whether it's cakes & flowers or a new laptop & Lululemon pants, we're here to make it happen!
How we help...
Concierge for Hotels adds a new dimension to your existing concierge support, making sure your guests have what they need to enjoy their stay
Guest Service
UniHop's shopping support and delivery style allow guests to get the products they need delivered directly to them. Whether it's an urgent forgotten/damaged item, or a special occasion that needs celebrating, our tailored experience is there as a resource to the guests during their stay.
Hotel Support
Improve the level of which your hotel can support guests by delivering more than just suggestions. Rather than recommending a guest to check out a mall to find a specific product, UniHop provides hotels with the tools to deliver that specific product directly to them.
Concierge for Companies helps strengthen relationships with your clients, delivering a new type of experience
Place an Order
Browse our site and choose the exact items you want us to deliver. If you cannot find something on our site, we can still help. Our Master Shoppers are always available to assist and will work with you to find the exact items you're looking for and can add any special details you have.
Your Order Gets Processed
We'll get your order setup with the vendor(s), and reach out to you if we aren't 100% sure about a detail from your order.
We'll Setup & Deliver
Whether you want us to setup a delivery time with your client or just deliver any time/day, we'll make sure the delivery experience is perfect!
Residential Facilities
Concierge for Residential Facilities delivers a butler-like experience from the comfort of your own home
Resident Service
For a number of reason, sometimes it's just easier to shop online. No matter what the situation is, we make getting the items you need feel like you went out and bought them yourself.
Sending something to a loved one, like a birthday gift or treat, can often be a difficult process. UniHop helps connect you with the people you want to send to and makes the buying and delivery experience a piece of cake.
Grocery, Food & Retail Shopping
Whether it's a grocery store, drug store, local mom & pop shop,...